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Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) using BEA WebLogic Server

Make sure that the certificate.war file is in the applications directory of your WebLogic server otherwise use the Configuration Wizard to install it.

In a web browser, enter the URL for the WebLogic Server Certificate Request Generator servlet in the following format:


The hostname is the DNS name of the computer running WebLogic Server and
the port is the port number where WebLogic Server listens for connections, which by default is 7001.

When asked to "Copy & Paste" your CSR into the CSR field during the order process, open the your_full_host_name-request.pem file with a text editor and copy and paste the content into the CSR field on the order form.

Additional information

For additional information, please visit http://edocs.beasys.com/more_wls.html.