Where do I paste this command?
You can run this command wherever you have OpenSSL available - most likely on your server,
but you can also run it on your own computer if you have installed OpenSSL.
What happens when I run this command?
OpenSSL creates both your private key and your certificate signing request, and saves them to two files:
your_common_name.key and your_common_name.csr.
Make sure you keep track of these files, since you need to copy the contents of the CSR file into the CSR field of our order form
and you need the private key to be able to install your certificate on your server.
What kind of certificate should I buy?
Based on the common name you entered, the following certificates are a perfect match:
QualitySSL Certificate
256-bit strong encryption and browser trust are features you expect from an SSL certificate, but we at QualitySSL
have added some features you might not get from other SSL certificate authorities like 30 day money back guarantee, domain & identity validation, fast expert customer support, free certificate re-issuing, QualitySSL Trustlogo and the use of Subject Alternative Names (SANs) to make your single certificate for yourdomain.com also secure www.yourdomain.com (and vice versa).
Learn more about the QualitySSL Certificate
From €99.00/yearBuy Now
QualitySSL Wildcard Certificate
Compared to other wildcard certificates on the market, our QualitySSL Wildcard Certificate is enhanced by the use of a Subject Alternative Name (SAN) to make your QualitySSL Wildcard Certificate for *.yourdomain.com also secure yourdomain.com.
Learn more about the QualitySSL Wildcard Certificate
From €499.00/yearBuy Now
QualitySSL Unified Communications Certificate
Using Subject Alternative Names (SANs), the QualitySSL UC Certificate can be used to enable SSL on up to 100 different domain and/or host names. This is the ideal solution when you want to secure multiple domain and/or host names with just one SSL certificate and one IP address.
Learn more about the QualitySSL UC Certificate
From €259.00/yearBuy Now